Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I am not a professional blogger with amazing projects or tutorials. I am a simple before and after no frills kind of gal. But I love doing it! I would like to be blogging at least once every other day.
 I have been blogging for a couple months now and I have a new follower every once in a while.
My goal is to get to 100 followers.
So heres my plea for help: Help me get to 100 followers and I will do a giveaway!
My Living Room 

I love doing this blogging thing, and it keeps me from doing crazy things around the house! (and my husband happy)
I would love to get to 100 followers before the end of the year! HELP!!!
Also if any of you amazing bloggers have any suggestions for my blog, please feel free to let me know.


Anonymous said...

I have always followed you using google reader but now I'm "officially" following you! Love your coffee table...awesome! You'll reach 100 in no time!

Stacey said...

I just became your 55th follower:-) You'll get to 100 in no time! XX

Marie said...

Your living room is lovely and inviting.:D

I am your newest follower!:D

***** Marie *****

Carissa @ the Fabulous Design File said...

I'm with you girl! I'm so excited to get to 100 too... Just keep doing what you're doing, your blog is great!

Anonymous said...

Follower #58, Invited by Ann Marie and so glad to have found you!

Lori said...

Hi Cassie! I'm visitng from Twice Lovely. I'm one of your new followers. Your blog is inventive and inspiring. Check out my blog if you get a chance!

Suzanne said...

I was sure I was a follower...your
blog is familiar to me.
Wel, now I am...hope you will visit me and follow back.

Tru said...

Follower #88. Would love for you to visit my blog and become a follower too.

Anonymous said...

Cassie- Cara from Twice Lovely here. You give great content! Thrifty Decor Chick has great advice for expanding your blog. (Search TDC: blog advice) We found that link parties are an excellent way to gain exposure. Also, leaving LOTS of genuine comments on other people's blogs, that is, other people who comment on blogs of your same niche. Also, use your sidebar to your advantage by giving people a quick reference to what you're all about. We've done it through showing an archive. Keep things simple, focused on design, and make your pictures large and beautiful on white background. I think you have great potential. Good luck!

inspiremyhousepretty said...

ahh loving your blog...and thanks for being my 25th follower, i also love blogging and always get excited when i see someone has taken the time to follow a big thanks careen x

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