I have always bugged Troy to stop and bring me home pallets, and he always says "What the heck are you going to do with those?" And honestly I never knew, I just knew I wanted to do something with pallets. There are so many of them around and they are really cool. Finally he brought some home and a light bulb went off. Coffee table, HUGE coffee table. We (and I mean Troy) took one side off of each of them and then sandwiched them together which made perfect cubby holes for the baskets I found at DI in Utah for .25. I found the HUGE casters at Erics in Flagstaff (love that Junkyard) and we (Troy) attached them to the bottom and ordered a piece of glass for the top and WALLAH...a rustic, industrial coffee table I have wanted FOREVER! I have seen similar things in high end mags and could never afford them. This is my favorite project we (Troy) have done. I LOVE it.
11 hours ago
I love this one, and I've never heard of Eric's but I'm definitely going to google that one. Plus, I don't know if we are good enough friends for me to hassle you about your spelling, so I won't. :)
You can totally hassle me about my spelling. I should proofread first!
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