I purchased this table at a yard sale. When I asked the lady how much she looked at me like I was crazy. It was actually just a table she was using to put all her other stuff on, and after it had served its purpose was headed to the trash. She pointed out how broken it was, how her kids had melted something on the top, and asked me if I was sure I really wanted it. Without a second thought I said yes! It was in bad shape. I sanded the top for days, and the drawer inside was so warped I couldn't get it out. I wanted to keep the original piece inside the drawer so my husband suggested to soak it in water overnight and lay it out flat with heavy weights on it. It worked, the drawer is fully functional now and super cute. I put a couple coats of Robins egg blue on it and breewax on the top. LOVE BREEWAX! Turned out so cute, I don't know if I can sell it!
40 minutes ago
I love the farm table. I wouldn't be able to sell it either. You did a great job on it.
This is what I have been looking for to cut down for a coffee table! I love it and glad you just waxed the top!
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